Monthly Archives: January 2020

Community Profile: Tsawout’s YELḰÁTŦE (Rob Clifford), Ph.D. Law Student


Community Profile: Tsawout’s YELḰÁTŦE (Rob Clifford), Ph.D. Law Student YELḰÁTŦE* (Rob Clifford) wasn’t really sure about his life path at first. He was late to sign up for classes at University and ended up taking Anthropology. Somewhat to his surprise, he performed really well. When a professor at the University of Victoria suggested he major in Anthropology, he did. While attending UVic to complete his undergrad, it became clear: Clifford’s interests lay in law, specifically Indigenous Law, known to the W̱SÁNEĆ as Natural Law. Clifford then went on to obtain both of his law degrees—his Juris Doctor (J.D.) [...]

Community Profile: Tsawout’s YELḰÁTŦE (Rob Clifford), Ph.D. Law Student2020-01-31T21:45:21+00:00

Salish Sea Herring Collapse Looms as DFO Bows to Industry


Salish Sea Herring Collapse Looms as DFO Bows to Industry, Ignoring its Own Science, Indigenous Knowledge and Public Outcry Original Story from Pacific Wild - January 30, 2020 Vancouver Island Communities and conservation groups alarmed as DFO green-lights 20% herring quota despite management plan outlining HIGH risk of stock collapse. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Salish Sea, January 30th 2020 – Ignoring calls for a moratorium by over one hundred thousand Canadians, 53 Vancouver Island municipalities, First Nations groups, local government federations as well as its own scientists, Canada’s Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) has just implemented a Management [...]

Salish Sea Herring Collapse Looms as DFO Bows to Industry2020-01-31T07:23:55+00:00

WLC Requests Commercial Herring Fishery Moratorium


WLC Requests Commercial Herring Fishery Moratorium and Calls Government to Task for Failing to Uphold Douglas Treaty Rights Recently, DFO admitted that herring populations in the Salish Sea declined by 60% between 2016 and 2020. The loss of herring poses serious threats to the survival of Indigenous people and the entire marine food chain. The sharp decline in herring populations is unsurprising to the WLC. While DFO claims that recent herring population numbers are some of the highest they have been since 1951—when DFO began collecting data—oral history and the archaeological record tell a different story:  Herring populations [...]

WLC Requests Commercial Herring Fishery Moratorium2023-06-15T08:30:39+00:00

“Kid From the Rez Places 6th in the World”


“Kid From the Rez places 6th in the World”: The Incredible Story of the Geronimo Canoe Club The Geronimo Canoe Club is an amazing story of local athletic achievement, against incredible odds. Over the last 40 years, the club’s mostly Tsartlip members have been racing and competing internationally in outrigger canoe races, despite not owning an actual outrigger canoe until last year. Instead, they would practice in dugout cedar war canoes and borrow boats for race days. The current team is small but mighty. The five members, George Horne, ṮḴOLEĆTEN (Joe Seward), Len Morris, Gus Morris, and Jasper Morris [...]

“Kid From the Rez Places 6th in the World”2020-01-14T18:21:29+00:00

The WLC and CRD sign a Memorandum of Understanding


The WLC reaches agreement to review Wastewater Treatment Project, enhance W̱SÁNEĆ sovereignty in the region, and renew W̱SÁNEĆ’s relationship with the CRD. On December 5, 2019, the WLC and CRD signed a Memorandum of Understanding committing the parties to discuss the construction and operation of the CRD’s Wastewater Treatment Project within W̱SÁNEĆ territory. The Wastewater Treatment Plant Project is a $775 million project being undertaken by the Capital Regional District to enhance wastewater treatment in the region. The project includes the following:  A Wastewater Treatment Facility at McLoughlin Point to treat the wastewater and remove the residual solids, A [...]

The WLC and CRD sign a Memorandum of Understanding2020-01-10T22:06:11+00:00
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