Monthly Archives: March 2020

Welcome Joni Olsen, the WLC’s CRD Liaison


The WLC is pleased to welcome Joni Olsen to the team! Learn more about Joni and how her expertise and training will help fulfill the W̱SÁNEĆ Leadership Council’s mandate. Click play to view the short interview, or read the transcript below. Interviewer: Can you please tell us your name and a bit about your background? My name is Joni Olsen. I am from the Tsartlip First Nation and I have lived here my whole life. My background initially was in small business ownership. For 15 years now I have been elected counsel for the Tsartlip First Nation, so I [...]

Welcome Joni Olsen, the WLC’s CRD Liaison2020-04-04T00:37:17+00:00

Important Updates To Services & Supports For W̱SÁNEĆ Community Members During COVID-19


Important Updates To Services & Supports For W̱SÁNEĆ Community Members During COVID-19 In times like these, our priority is to do everything we can to keep our families, friends, coworkers, and team members safe.  To be successful in reducing further impacts of COVID-19, it’s critical each community member has access to accurate and up to date information regarding services, best practices and supports available during this time.  The Chiefs and Councils of each community and the W̱SÁNEĆ Leadership Council are working hard to ensure that supports for our most vulnerable community members are available while protecting the health [...]

Important Updates To Services & Supports For W̱SÁNEĆ Community Members During COVID-192023-09-29T18:34:57+00:00

The Clam Garden Restoration Project


The Clam Garden Restoration Project has reclaimed W̱SÁNEĆ knowledge, improved ecosystems and provided the W̱SÁNEĆ Nation with additional funding. From 2014 to 2019, Parks Canada, the W̱SÁNEĆ Nation and the Hul’q’umi’num Nations participated in the Clam Garden Restoration project.  Clam gardens are ancient sites along shorelines in W̱SÁNEĆ territory that Indigenous people tended for thousands of years to enhance the production of clams and related sea creatures. Clams were an important source of protein for W̱SÁNEĆ people. The Clam Restoration project spent 5 years working to restore clam gardens in W̱SÁNEĆ territory. In addition to improving the ecology [...]

The Clam Garden Restoration Project2020-03-10T23:24:07+00:00
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