Monthly Archives: May 2020

Four Stories Of How Things Came To Be


The W̱SÁNEĆ Leadership Council, as part of the work to reinstate W̱SÁNEĆ Natural Laws, is working with Elders to capture W̱SÁNEĆ Creation stories. Once captured, these stories are then transcribed and translated into English with two goals.  The first goal is to create a comprehensive repository of culture, language, history and law for future generations. The second goal is to articulate and apply the Natural Laws in policies made throughout W̱SÁNEĆ territory. This work of compiling W̱SÁNEĆ Natural Laws began 40 years ago through the hard work of W̱SÁNEĆ Elders. To learn more about this work, the W̱SÁNEĆ [...]

Four Stories Of How Things Came To Be2021-03-09T22:25:22+00:00

Call for submissions: Perform at the W̱SÁNEĆ Celebration of Culture


The W̱SÁNEĆ Leadership Council is looking for W̱SÁNEĆ people to perform during an event to celebrate W̱SÁNEĆ culture.  Are you an artist, dancer, performer, musician, comedian, storyteller, author or poet? Are you a W̱SÁNEĆ community member? Would you like the opportunity to showcase your talent? The W̱SÁNEĆ Leadership Council is looking for W̱SÁNEĆ people to perform during an event to celebrate W̱SÁNEĆ culture. The event itself will take place in the summer of 2020.  In these uncertain and often difficult times, art can remind us of the joys of life and the resiliency of our people. While this [...]

Call for submissions: Perform at the W̱SÁNEĆ Celebration of Culture2020-06-09T21:32:22+00:00

The WLC Works to Reinstate Natural Laws.


In its ongoing work to enhance recognition and respect for W̱SÁNEĆ peoples’ rights, the W̱SÁNEĆ Leadership Council is making progress on the enormous task of revitalizing W̱SÁNEĆ Natural Laws.  W̱SÁNEĆ Natural Laws come from the Creation Stories that have been passed down from generation to generation. These Creation Stories and Natural Laws have survived through multiple epidemics, the oppressive residential school system, and the criminalization of W̱SÁNEĆ cultural practices. While the colonial government tried to eliminate SENĆOŦEN and W̱SÁNEĆ culture, W̱SÁNEĆ people resisted and continue to live according to these teachings. Image: CBC J,SIṈTEN, John Elliott, [...]

The WLC Works to Reinstate Natural Laws.2020-05-07T19:55:12+00:00

WLC forming W̱SÁNEĆ Youth Advisory Committee


The W̱SÁNEĆ Leadership Council has begun work to form a W̱SÁNEĆ Youth Advisory Committee. ‎Eric F. H. Pelkey‎ to WSÁNEC - Saanich Nation REQUEST FOR W̱SÁNEĆ YOUTH ADVISORY COMMITTEE LETTERS OF INTEREST May 01, 2020 – The W̱SÁNEĆ Leadership Council has begun work to form a W̱SÁNEĆ Youth Advisory Committee. TheW̱SÁNEĆ Youth Advisory Committee will provide recommendations on matters related to W̱SÁNEĆ youth and community. The W̱SÁNEĆ Leadership Council requests that eligible applicants submit Letters of Interest to the W̱SÁNEĆ Leadership Council. These Letters of Interest should state how you meet the W̱SÁNEĆ Youth Advisory Committee eligibility requirements (below), why [...]

WLC forming W̱SÁNEĆ Youth Advisory Committee2020-05-02T00:54:56+00:00
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