Monthly Archives: May 2024

Amplifying Youth Accomplishments: Blake Swan


🏆 Meet Blake from Tsartlip and Ahousaht First Nation! 🏆 Blake's journey in lacrosse is truly inspiring. Drafted to the Junior A Shamrocks, named Victoria's High School Athlete of the Year, and awarded the Premier's Award from I·SPARC, he's achieved so much at just 17. With a gold medal from the Alberta Indigenous Games, Blake's dedication to training, inspired by his grandpa, shines through. His advice? "Keep practicing, stay consistent, and practice like you play." Discover Blake’s journey and future goals by reading the full interview below 🥍✨ Interviewer: Who are you, and where are you from? My name [...]

Amplifying Youth Accomplishments: Blake Swan2024-05-29T19:22:53+00:00

This Time 63 Years Ago – May 1961


Times Colonist: May 29, 1961 Chief Thunderbird, Baptiste Paul, 7286 W. Sannich Rd., shows five year-old son Davey where all Indians can vote in Esquimalt-Sannich by election today, first time full franchise has been extended in B.C. Polling station is Brentwood Women's Institute Hall. Photo by Halkett. RECENT POSTS How are we doing? Leave Us Your Feedback Here

This Time 63 Years Ago – May 19612024-05-29T21:35:31+00:00

The District of Central Saanich is seeking an experienced Finance Clerk – Utility & Taxes


The District of Central Saanich is seeking an experienced Finance Clerk - Utility & Taxes The District of Central Saanich, located on the Saanich Peninsula of Southern Vancouver Island enjoys the reputation of being among the best locations in Canada to work, live and play. Central Saanich is bounded on both the east and west by ocean and is known for its scenic rolling countryside and bounty of farms. This community of 18,000 residents has a vibrant, small village character and includes the Tsawout and Tsartlip First Nations; and it is central to all amenities of the Greater Victoria [...]

The District of Central Saanich is seeking an experienced Finance Clerk – Utility & Taxes2024-05-29T00:31:56+00:00

This Time 55 Years Ago – May 1969


Times Colonist: May 27, 1969    Under a recent agreement between federal and provincial governments. Indian parents can choose between public, parochial or Indian schools for the education of their children.   But Victor Janzen, inspector or Indian schools on Vancouver Island, told Saanich Peninsula school trustees Monday night the department of Indian affairs and northern development hopes all Indians will eventually see the need to have their children taught in integrated classes.    He was outlining for the school board how the agreement signed in February affects the 250 Indian students from the four bands within the school district.    As of last [...]

This Time 55 Years Ago – May 19692024-07-04T23:45:15+00:00

Recording of January 2024 Goldstream Forum


W̱SÁNEĆ Members Only – January 2024 Goldstream Forum On January 10th, 2024, members of the W̱SÁNEĆ community gathered for the Goldstream Engagement Forum. W̱SÁNEĆ Leadership are seeking input on whether or not to support the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure (MOTI) project to conduct roadwork on the Malahat Highway where it passes through Goldstream Park. Click below to watch a recording of the session from January. We have developed this survey for W̱SÁNEĆ members to provide input on whether or not the proposed MOTI Highway 1 project is acceptable for Goldstream. Fill out the survey by clicking [...]

Recording of January 2024 Goldstream Forum2024-05-21T22:57:35+00:00

W̱SÁNEĆ Women’s Conference: Recap


W̱SÁNEĆ Women's Conference Recap - April 13 & 14, 2024 In April, the WLC hosted a W̱SÁNEĆ Women's Conference. Several facilitators helped create a sacred space for W̱SÁNEĆ women to gather, share experiences, receive teachings, and celebrate one another. It was a space for women, non-binary, trans and 2 Spirit people to explore traditional healing practices in a safe environment. Check out our playlist of videos to hear from the facilitators of the W̱SÁNEĆ Women's Conference about their work, including interviews with Brianna Bear, Lavina Olsen, Kati George Jim, and Joni Morris. Stay tuned for more events and gatherings like [...]

W̱SÁNEĆ Women’s Conference: Recap2024-11-19T07:48:54+00:00

2022-2027 Strategic Plan


2022-2027 Strategic Plan The entire W̱SÁNEĆ Leadership Council (WLC) team is proud to announce our 2022-2027 Strategic Plan (the Plan). This Plan – explained in-depth in the adjacent video – is an opportunity for you, as important W̱SÁNEĆ community members – to learn how WLC will serve as a catalyst for revitalizing W̱SÁNEĆ culture, language and natural laws and advancing W̱SÁNEĆ rights and title in the years to come. The Plan outlines four key objectives and expands upon each objective with a list of measurable actions. The first objective is “reconciliation and nation-to-nation relationship,” which includes tangible goals [...]

2022-2027 Strategic Plan2024-06-05T21:39:07+00:00

Meet Ethan Cire, the Communications Coordinator for the IMB


Read the transcript below to learn more about Ethan and the impactful work he’ll be doing with the Indigenous Management Board. Interviewer: Can you tell me a bit about who you are and where you’re from? My name is Ethan Cire, and I am Cree-Métis man, born and raised on Treaty 6 territory, what is currently known as Alberta. I grew up in a very small town called Ponoka. I enjoyed the time that I was raised there, it was really great. I've always had a large connection to my parents' heritage. My mom is Cree, and my [...]

Meet Ethan Cire, the Communications Coordinator for the IMB2024-05-16T18:10:25+00:00

Restoring SḰŦÁMEN: W̱SÁNEĆ Community Planning Event – May 30th and 31st


My name is Stephanie Coulson, and I work for Parks Canada on SḰŦÁMEN QENÁȽ,ENEȻ SĆȺ - Sidney Island Ecological Restoration Project. The goal of this project is to restore a healthier and more balanced forest ecosystem on SḰŦÁMEN (Sidney Island), by eradicating the invasive European fallow deer herd and re-planting native trees and shrubs. We have been very grateful to work with the W̱SÁNEĆ Leadership Council, Tsawout First Nation, and Pauquachin First Nation on this work over the past few years. If everything goes according to plan, the last of the invasive fallow deer will be removed from SḰŦÁMEN [...]

Restoring SḰŦÁMEN: W̱SÁNEĆ Community Planning Event – May 30th and 31st2024-06-17T20:46:31+00:00

Bow Hunting Instructors Course Update


Bow hunting instructors courses start this weekend! 🤗🏹 Thank you to everyone who applied for the bow hunting instructors course for your interest. We received over 90 applicants but are only taking 8 or 9 at this time. This is the first of many courses that will be run, there will be more opportunities in the future. Once instructors are trained, bow hunting courses will begin soon. RECENT POSTS Leave Us Your Feedback Here

Bow Hunting Instructors Course Update2024-05-08T23:37:48+00:00
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