Sign Up for the W̱SÁNEĆ-Only Web Portal and Win $50!
W̱SÁNEĆ Leadership Council2024-01-30T20:03:39+00:00Sign Up for the W̱SÁNEĆ-Only Web Portal and Win $50! In November 2023 we launched the W̱SÁNEĆ-Only Website Portal, where W̱SÁNEĆ Community members can access valuable insights and information about the community. All while keeping sensitive information safely stored in a password-protected portal. To make this exclusive new feature even more accessible, we are giving away $50 gift cards to lucky sign-ups! You can find information on how to win $50 at the end of this article. What is the W̱SÁNEĆ-Only Website Portal? It’s the newly launched community-only portal on the WLC website that offers secure access to [...]