Monthly Archives: January 2025

Meet Shantelle Voyageur, the W̱LC’s new Women’s Coordinator


🌟 Meet Shantelle, the WLC's new Women’s Coordinator! 🌟   Shantelle is passionate about creating spaces for women to connect, share, and grow. In her new role, she’ll focus on mental health, cultural gatherings, and fostering empowerment through shared stories, meals, and traditions.   Could you tell me a little bit about who you are and where you're from? Hey my name is Shantelle Voyageur from Victoria BC. My late dad Carl Wamiss comes from Kingcome Inlet Musgamagw  Dzawada'enuxw . My mother is Judy Henry, she comes from Pauquachin First Nation, W̱SÁNEĆ.  What kind of work will you be doing as [...]

Meet Shantelle Voyageur, the W̱LC’s new Women’s Coordinator2025-01-16T20:36:25+00:00

This Time 10 Years Ago – January 2015


Protesters took to the water on Aug. 26 to demand a halt to the construction of a luxury home on Grace Islet. Construction was eventually halted on Dec. 18   ADRIAN LAM/VICTORIA TIMES COLONIST Purchase of Grace Islet will save First Nations burial site VICTORIA – The B.C. government announced Thursday it will buy Grace Islet, where a luxury home was being built over a First Nations burial ground.    The purchase is in a partnership First Nations and the Nature Conservancy of Canada.    Construction on the property just off Saltspring Island was halted Dec. 18.    Negotiations are underway with Barry [...]

This Time 10 Years Ago – January 20152025-01-08T20:16:34+00:00

W̱SÁNEĆ Marine and Land Use Plan Community Engagement


W̱SÁNEĆ Marine & Land Use Plan Upcoming Community Engagement Sessions January 2025 Highlights: Location: Saanich Fairgrounds, 1528 Stellys Cross Road, Juniper Room Dinner: 5-6 PM Engagement: 6-9 PM Monday, January 20 Open House Topic: Education, Training & Capacity Building Tuesday, January 21 For SENĆOŦEN speakers, learners, and community members Topic: SENĆOŦEN Revitalization Explore More Events (February - June 2025): Topics include Economic Development, Archaeology, Douglas Treaty, Climate Change, and more. Download the PDF files below to see more details! January 20 Event Details January 21 Event Details Schedule of Upcoming Events in 2025

W̱SÁNEĆ Marine and Land Use Plan Community Engagement2025-01-15T20:07:35+00:00

Local Governments’ Lack of Consultation Presents Opportunity for Collaboration


Every day, local governments make decisions that significantly impact W̱SÁNEĆ rights and interests. Despite these far-reaching impacts, there is very little obligation on any local government body to consult with or consider W̱SÁNEĆ. W̱SÁNEĆ Leadership Council (“WLC”) will explore this lack of duty to consult and the many opportunities for collaboration that might fill the gap through a multi-part series, of which this is the first part. It may be difficult to fully understand the impact of local governments’ lack of consultation and decision making on W̱SÁNEĆ interests and rights, but there is no land or water remaining in [...]

Local Governments’ Lack of Consultation Presents Opportunity for Collaboration2025-01-10T20:25:18+00:00
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