Above: Replica W̱SÁNEC artifacts gifted by Parks Canada to the Leadership Council.
W̱SÁNEĆ Cultural Workers have been appointed to an Archaeology Committee to guide archaeological and cultural heritage policy development and archaeological work in W̱SÁNEĆ territory.

Above: Ancient W̱SÁNEC artifacts uncovered during work done for the CRD Wastewater Treatment Plant Project
The Vision for the Archaeology Committee is to:
- Develop a terms of reference for their work (complete and approved November 2022)
- Develop Archaeology policy, procedures, and fee-for-service framework
- Recruit archaeological program staff (funding dependent)
- Identify training for cultural workers
- Participate in archaeological work in W̱SÁNEĆ territory (planning, assessments, investigations, permitting/management)
- Implement Agreements
- WLC MOU for Land Altering Works with the Capital Regional District (CRD)
- WLC Respecting One Another MOU with the District of Saanich (DoS)
- Achieve Economic benefits – cultural worker reimbursement for monitoring services
- Guide development of a future shared decision-making agreement with BC Archaeology Branch
- Establish an archaeology business or partnership
Committee members are: Simon Smith Sr, Simon Smith Jr., Corey Joseph, James Jimmy, Carol Thomas, and Stephanie Joseph.
Featured Image
A sculptured Coast Salish style spoon depicting a rockfish and a wolf mask. This artifact was discovered during the excavations at Pender Canal in the 1980’s which found artifacts spanning 5000 years of Coast Salish history.