Mark Henry

Mark Henry is from Pauquachin Nation. From the age of 9, Mark was first inspired to take up art by J,SIṈTEN (John Elliott). His love for the sea and the ocean inspired him to start drawing whales and troller boats. When he was developing his skills and style, Mark was mentored by many artists and maintains his connection with his teachers.
Through the encouragement from Charles Elliott, Mark Henry started carving Coast Salish style art, to keep the Coast Salish style alive. His art is expressed in many ways as a carver and painter. With any commission he receives, Mark shares the importance of remaining true to the Coast Salish colours and style.
Mark’s works include, canoes, totem poles, painted canvases, feast bowls, carved doors and panels with painted accents, carved and painted tables, and masks. He is best reached by phone.