BCAFN Regional Chief Election Winner Declared.
The British Columbia Assembly of First Nations declared a winner of the November election. Terry Teegee has been re-elected as Regional Chief for a term of three years.

Hosted by the W̱SÁNEĆ Leadership Council, representatives from Tsartlip, Tsawout and Tseycum met with the candidates for Regional Chief before deciding who would get their vote.

The BCAFN is an organization that represents and acts on behalf of the 203 First Nations in British Columbia. Their mandate includes advocacy and implementation of Title and Rights through exercising inherent laws and jurisdiction. They do this work through the development and promotion of policies related to priority topics, including, but not limited to, Economic Development, Fisheries, Justice, Environment, Gaming, and Employment and Training.The BCAFN also works in coalition with other organizations that advance the rights and interests of First Nations peoples and with public and private bodies in order to close the socio-economic gap between First Nations and non-First Nations people.
BCAFN is governed by a Board of five directors, all of which are either a designate or Chief for their First Nation Community and elected to three-year staggered terms. BCAFN hosts two Assemblies each year. The Special Chiefs Assembly and an Annual General Assembly every spring and fall which encourage BC First Nations leadership to engage in socio-political dialogue in order to provide community-driven directives to the Regional Chief through resolution.
When the Regional Chief isn’t receiving directives from the Chiefs in Assembly and the Board of Directors, the Regional Chief provides the political leadership and activities for the BCAFN. The BCAFN Regional Chief sits on the AFN Executive Committee where their role is to ensure regional concerns of BCAFN members are included in National political discussions and decision-making processes. The Regional Chief also holds specific portfolios that deal with national policy issues and concerns.
Terry Teegee, the current Regional Chief, is a member of Takla Lake First Nation and carries the responsibilities of the hereditary name of Maxweeum Tsimghee. Among his many credentials, Terry was previously a Registered Professional Forester. A graduate of the University of Northern British Columbia with a Bachelor of Science degree in forestry in 2006.
Terry served in numerous elected and appointed positions including Tribal Chief of the Carrier Sekani Tribal Council, the BC Representative for the National Aboriginal Forestry Association, the Fraser Basin Council Board, the 2017 Canadian Governor General’s Leadership Conference.
The BCAFN Regional Chief and his wife, Rena Zatorski, have been married for 18 years and have two children, daughter Rylie and son Rowan. They currently reside on Lheidli T’enneh reserve, located 22 kilometres from the city of Prince George.