Deadline July 30th, 2021 12pm

QENTOL, YEN / W̱SÁNEĆ Marine Guardians Program Needs a Logo 

Our W̱SÁNEĆ Leadership Council newly established QENTOL, YEN / W̱SÁNEĆ Marine Guardian Program needs a Logo. All W̱SÁNEĆ artists are encouraged to submit a design 

Required guidelines to enter your logo: 

  1. Preference will be given to W̱SÁNEĆ Ancestry 
  2. We are looking for a design that will represent the Guardians Monitoring our traditional waters of the Salish Sea 
  3. An Orca design has to be incorporated into your logo.   
  4. Logo will need to be in color & or black/white   
  5. Logo has to be in a circle format (The design will need to fit on stationary items, clothing etc.)
  6. The winning design will be used for all QENTOL, YEN / W̱SÁNEĆ Guardian related business. 
  7. Artist will sign over all rights to logo.
  8. Winning Artist will receive $1500 for their work.
  9. Please place your name, Nation Affiliation and all contact information on the back of your designs.

Submission deadline: July 30th,2021, 12:00pm

Winner will be decided by a panel. Winning design will be announced by Friday, August 6th,2021

Submissions can be emailed to david.dick@https://www.wsanec.com/ 

David SUMÉ,t Dick  

Southern Resident Killer Whale Senior Manager 

W̱SANEĆ Leadership Council

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