Deadline July 30th, 2021 12pm
QENTOL, YEN / W̱SÁNEĆ Marine Guardians Program Needs a Logo
Our W̱SÁNEĆ Leadership Council newly established QENTOL, YEN / W̱SÁNEĆ Marine Guardian Program needs a Logo. All W̱SÁNEĆ artists are encouraged to submit a design
Required guidelines to enter your logo:
- Preference will be given to W̱SÁNEĆ Ancestry
- We are looking for a design that will represent the Guardians Monitoring our traditional waters of the Salish Sea
- An Orca design has to be incorporated into your logo.
- Logo will need to be in color & or black/white
- Logo has to be in a circle format (The design will need to fit on stationary items, clothing etc.)
- The winning design will be used for all QENTOL, YEN / W̱SÁNEĆ Guardian related business.
- Artist will sign over all rights to logo.
- Winning Artist will receive $1500 for their work.
- Please place your name, Nation Affiliation and all contact information on the back of your designs.
Submission deadline: July 30th,2021, 12:00pm
Winner will be decided by a panel. Winning design will be announced by Friday, August 6th,2021
Submissions can be emailed to david.dick@https://www.wsanec.com/
David SUMÉ,t Dick
Southern Resident Killer Whale Senior Manager
W̱SANEĆ Leadership Council