Sistering Indigenous and Western Science (SINEWS) is a paid mentorship program intended to increase the representation and participation of Indigenous and non-Indigenous women in science-related disciplines and research. Pairs of female-identifying students, one of which must be Indigenous, will propose, develop, implement and report on research projects over the course of a 4-8 month term position.
For the 2023 program, SINEWS will be accepting up to 8 pairs of female-identifying students, at least one of which must identify as Indigenous. The pairs of students will propose, develop, implement, and report on research projects of relevance to Indigenous community needs and are supportable within the mandate of Natural Resources Canada. Successful applicants will become employees of the Government of Canada for a period of up to eight months. Student pairs will also be given a specific budget to complete their research, access to NRCan mentors relevant to their location and project, access to research facilities, and the support and guidance of the SINEWS’ Elder in Residence.
Click below to view the application: