This International Women’s Day, let’s give a big shout-out to the women who made “The Cowichan Sweater: Our Knitted History” film possible! We raise our hands to Mary Galloway and Tiffany Joseph the executive producers and to the hardworking all-Indigenous crew, these women poured their hearts into sharing this important story.

The film explores the history of the sweaters in the Cowichan and Saanich territories on Vancouver Island and the traditional knitters from these communities. We congratulate their dedication to preserving our cultural heritage and showcasing the beauty of Cowichan Sweaters.

Join us for a virtual screening tonight to honour these amazing women and celebrate their achievements! 🎬✨

🎉Celebrate International Women’s Day with us! 🎉

WHAT: 👉🏽Join for a virtual screening of Cowichan Sweaters: Our Knitted History! & Special Guest Speaker Tiffany Joseph

WHO: 👉🏽 A special screening just for Indigenous Women on Vancouver Island

WHEN: 👉🏽 6-8pm on Friday, March 8th, 🎬

HOW: 📝Email Priscilla at for the zoom link

The Sharing Medicine Bundles project is a partnership between the W̱SÁNEĆ Leadership Council and the University of Victoria that focuses on women’s wellness. The project will gather stories on community wellness from W̱SÁNEĆ women participants who choose to share, while also participating in wellness/cultural activities.

Photo: Mary Galloway, centre, sits with knitters Dora Wilson and Maureen Tommy.

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