The WLC is pleased to welcome Leona Peter to the team!

Interviewer: Can you tell us who you are and where you’re from?

Leona: ‘een’thu Stii ti’ye, Leona Peter tthu nu s-hwunitum’a’lh nu sne. tun’ni tsun ‘utl’ Kwamutsun. My English name is Leona Peter, my hwulmuhw sne is Stii ti’ye, I am from Quamichan, but I have resided in Tsawout for two years.

Interviewer: What’s your role at WLC?

I work alongside the Marine Guardians as their Marine Clerk.

Interviewer: What is your background and experience/ what were you doing before?

Leona: I have previous office experience working with Cowichan Tribes Human Resource Department as their administrative assistant. I have also worked short term positions with their Education and Social Development departments as their Administrative Assistant.

Most recently I have worked with the Hul’qul’mi’num’ Simon Fraser University Program as their (HLA) Language Research Assistant-(HLCC) Executive Assistant. I have obtained my Diploma in Linguistics in Hul’qul’mi’num’ and will be furthering my education in the future.

Interviewer: What kind of impact do you hope to make in your role at WLC?

Leona: I would like to get to know the community that I have resided in for the past two years and plant roots where my son comes from. I want to learn and know protocols from the WSANEC territory, also gain experiences that can help further my career and become a team player and utilize them with my skills and abilities.

Interviewer: What do you do when you’re not at work? 

Leona: I am a mother; I have 3 sons I take care of, 7,6 & 3 years old. I recently had my youngest son in a Language Nest program with Simon Fraser University Hul’qul’mi’num Program. He is now in Pre-K school with LAU, WELNEW Tribal School taking Immersion SENCOTEN. I am also very Family-orientated, I am active in my culture with the longhouse and stick games.

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