The WLC is committed to serving the best interests of each member of the W̱SÁNEĆ Nation.  

The WLC is pleased to provide a number of exciting and culturally appropriate opportunities for community members to be involved. The WLC has had a productive initial year, rolling out a number of projects and initiatives under the umbrella of the broader mandate. 

As the organization grows and matures, the WLC is continually seeking and acting on feedback to better serve the broader community in achieving our mandate. 

As such, we’ve dramatically streamlined our Get Involved process.

You spoke. We listened.

Once of the more recent initiatives was a weekend long CORE safety and PAL workshop. 

Photos of these workshops were shared on the WLC Facebook page and were met with disappointment by some community members who weren’t aware of the workshop. 

We posted an invitation for registrants to put their name forward on the “wsanec – saanich nation” Facebook page in August, and we took registrants on a first come first serve basis. 

At the time, the WLC was just launching their website, newsletter and social media. 

As such, communications were somewhat fragmented despite the best efforts of the small team to communicate effectively. The result were some gaps in communication with the community, which have since been rectified.

Now there is just one place to sign up for workshops, rsvp to community events and volunteer for specific initiatives.

Available 24/7 on our website, the new Get Involved tab has links to forms where you can sign up to be a part of all initiatives and events. 

For workshops and events with a limited number of opportunities to get involved, attendees will be picked from the website sign up form on a first come, first serve basis. 

What do you think of the Get Involved Tab? How are we doing? Leave us your feedback here 

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