Apply by June 7th – Wildland Fire Training Course 

Gulf Islands National Park Reserve and the Growing Together project would like to offer a Wildland Fire Training Course to W̱SÁNEĆ community members, June 14th and 15th.

  • There is no cost to register and financial compensation for completion is available.
  • Please note this is a mentally and physically demanding course and those with pre-existing health conditions may wish to consult a physician first.
  • Limited spots are available and applicants will be selected by committee.
  • To apply for consideration, please email info@https://wsanec.com/ with your name, phone number and a short paragraph explaining why you’d be a good fit for this program. 
  • The deadline to apply is June 7th at 4pm.

Course description:

The Wildland Fire Training Course is recognized nationally as a basic standard training course for wildland firefighters.  The course covers several topics, including: fireline safety, crew organization, wildfire suppression tactics, and prescribed fire coordination.

The course will be facilitated by trained Parks Canada Fire Program staff

 The course has three components:

  • Pre-course work: modules completed online (approx. 8hrs)
  • A virtual classroom portion: (approx. 2 days)
  • A field day: hands-on training with fire equipment (1 day)

Pre-course work will be provided to participants prior to the course start date. Participants must finish these modules to complete the course. If internet access is an issue, these modules can be provided in hard copy paper form.

The virtual classroom portion will take place over Zoom or google meets. Instructors will present PowerPoints with fire theory, and participants will be asked to work virtually with each other in “break-out rooms” and during activities. There is a written exam at the end of the classroom portion of the course.

Due to COVID restrictions, the field day will be scheduled at a later date based on public health guidelines. Personal Protective Equipment will be provided during the field day portion.

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