Douglas Treaty

Simon Smith Jr. shares his thoughts on Douglas Treaty rights


What are your thoughts on the Douglas Treaty? Let us know through this survey by clicking the button below: Survey Transcript My English name is Simon Smith Junior. My W̱ILṈEW̱ name is KwaliKen and I'm from Tsartlip. What do you think to hunt and fish as formerly meant to our ancestors? They were thinking about them at the time, but they were also thinking about the generations to come. They wanted their hunting to be carried on as the way it is, as formerly, but it changes as the years go on. We adapted our hunting practices along [...]

Simon Smith Jr. shares his thoughts on Douglas Treaty rights2023-09-22T21:09:07+00:00

Simon Smith Sr. shares his thoughts on Douglas Treaty rights


What are your thoughts on the Douglas Treaty? Let us know through this survey by clicking the button below: Survey Transcript My baptism name is Simon Smith Sr. I’m named after my great grandfather LESĆIM who was a hereditary chief of our village, and I carry his name. What do you think to hunt and fish as formerly meant to our ancestors? I guess when we talk about the Douglas Treaty, in the beginning, it wasn't hunting and fishing. It was a peacekeeping treaty because one of the farmers shot one of our children going across his field [...]

Simon Smith Sr. shares his thoughts on Douglas Treaty rights2023-10-05T17:07:37+00:00

Carl Olsen shares his thoughts on Douglas Treaty rights


What are your thoughts on the Douglas Treaty? Let us know through this survey by clicking the button below: Survey Transcript Good afternoon, my name is Carl Olsen, my English name and my First Nations name is ZȺWIZUT. It's my grandfather's name on my mother’s side. What do you think to hunt and fish as formerly meant to our ancestors? To hunt and fish as formerly in the treaty has given us a right to carry on our way of fishing. For me to hunt as formerly means that I'm able to go out and hunt anytime I [...]

Carl Olsen shares his thoughts on Douglas Treaty rights2023-09-06T19:01:18+00:00

John Elliott J,SIṈTEN shares his thoughts on Douglas Treaty rights


What are your thoughts on the Douglas Treaty? Let us know through this survey by clicking the button below: Survey Transcript ÍY¸ SȻÁĆEL SIÁM, NE SĆÁLECE J¸SITEN TŦE NE SȻÁ¸NES NÁ W̱JOȽEEP TFÁ¸ E SNÁ HIŦ ȻO ĆELAṈ EN TŦÁ¸E SNÁ ÍY¸ ŚW̱ḰÁLE ȻENEN NES AŦE ȻENTOL EṮ¸ NE ȻKIYE TIA ÁNEȻ NES ENÁ TÁĆEL E TIÁ ÁNEȻ ḰOḰEL E TŦE SYES SKÁLS. My name is J¸SITEN and I'm here in W̱JOȽEEP and as well as my name is from here, connected to that name from Ancestry. I'm happy to be here at the office today for this [...]

John Elliott J,SIṈTEN shares his thoughts on Douglas Treaty rights2023-08-08T20:25:04+00:00

Eric Pelkey shares his thoughts on Douglas Treaty rights


What are your thoughts on the Douglas Treaty? Let us know through this survey by clicking the button below: Survey Transcript Eric Pelkey. I'm the community engagement coordinator of the W̱SÁNEĆ Leadership Council. My traditional name and title is WEC'KINEM. I’m the hereditary chief of the Tsawout of the W̱SÁNEĆ Nation. What does to hunt and fish as formerly mean to you? To hunt and fish as formerly really means our way of life. The economy that we had at the time of the signing of the treaty in 1852, that to hunt and fish as formerly really [...]

Eric Pelkey shares his thoughts on Douglas Treaty rights2023-10-05T17:09:12+00:00

This Time 9 Years Ago – June 2014


Times Colonist: June 27, 2014 > FROM A1: SUPREME COURT RULING ON ABORIGINAL LAND TITLES For Island First Nations, a 'game-changer' SARAH PETRESCU and LINDSAY KINES Times Colonist A landmark Supreme Court of Canada ruling Thursday could set a significant precedent for Vancouver Island First Nations.    The ruling, which for the first time recognizes a First Nations' right to a specific tract of land, has "huge implications" for the five bands that make up the Saanich (WSANEC) Nation, said Eric Pelkey, treaty officer for Tsawout First Nation.    "This means a lot to us. These are the same issues we are [...]

This Time 9 Years Ago – June 20142024-06-06T20:18:19+00:00

Collaboration Between Nations Key To Reclaiming Land Rights


Collaboration Between Nations Key To Reclaiming Land Rights The W̱SÁNEĆ Leadership Council is celebrating the victories of BC First Nations who have reclaimed land-based rights in shared territories. Shown above, Musqueam Indian Band, Squamish Nation, and Tsleil-Waututh Nation sign a historic collaboration agreement with Vancouver’s UNDRIP Task Force  Challenges in working with colonial bodies to reclaim land rights Historically, colonial bodies have failed to acknowledge Indigenous perspectives on land ownership, rights, and land use. Where colonial bodies rely on rigidly defined property lines to determine who “owns” land, Indigenous understandings of who can access shared and overlapping territories is [...]

Collaboration Between Nations Key To Reclaiming Land Rights2023-06-15T06:27:29+00:00

Salmon Habitat & Killer Whales At Increased Risk Due to Ongoing Malahat Expansion: W̱SÁNEĆ Nation Member Protests


Salmon Habitat & Killer Whales At Increased Risk Due to Ongoing Malahat Expansion: W̱SÁNEĆ Nation Member Protests Carl Olsen - ZȺWIZUT, a W̱SÁNEĆ Nation member has literally taken to the streets. Every Tuesday since March, he stands along the Malahat Highway to raise awareness about the impacts of ongoing construction on the salmon spawning in Goldstream Provincial Park. “Under the (Douglas) Treaty, this stream is protected because we have a right to fish in this stream, but we also have a right to hunt and fish as formerly as well as protect it. That comes first. I have the [...]

Salmon Habitat & Killer Whales At Increased Risk Due to Ongoing Malahat Expansion: W̱SÁNEĆ Nation Member Protests2023-10-05T17:14:53+00:00

Province of BC commits to take steps toward meaningful reconciliation in a new Letter of Understanding


Two years of discussions have culminated in a just-signed working arrangement with the Province of BC.  A new Letter of Understanding (LOU) between the W̱SÁNEĆ Leadership Council and the Province of BC is an agreement to have the kinds of discussions necessary for achieving lasting reconciliation.  The LOU is a meaningful first step in attaining the kinds of policy changes necessary to effectively improve the issues most important to members of the W̱SÁNEĆ Nation. This work will include seeking to clarify shared understandings of the Douglas Treaties, and how to move forward together.  “This Letter of Understanding signals an [...]

Province of BC commits to take steps toward meaningful reconciliation in a new Letter of Understanding2023-06-15T06:54:52+00:00

A Message from the Director of Operations


ÍY, SȻÁĆEL SIÁM NE SĆÁLEĆE This article was originally crafted as a response to concerns expressed by community members on the W̱SÁNEĆ Leadership Council (WLC) page regarding WLC discussions with Government on W̱SÁNEĆ people's inherent, and Douglas Treaty rights. The response became too long to post on social media so this article aims to answer some of those concerns and highlights some complexities of the important work regarding W̱SÁNEĆ inherent rights. Recently, I have found this information to be more critical, and am called to share this perspective with the broader W̱SÁNEĆ community. This article contains an analysis of the [...]

A Message from the Director of Operations2023-11-28T20:08:56+00:00
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