Douglas Treaty

This Day 14 Years Ago – October 2010


Tsartlip blockade severs traffic artery [Map showing West Saanich Rd., crossing South Saanich First Nation Reserve] [Image] IMAGE CAPTION: Tsartlip First Nation Chief Ivan Wayne Morris walks along West Saanich Road with scores of others to Lauwelnew Tribal School, in Central Saanich yesterday. The well-traveled Saanich peninsula route was blocked for two hours between Mount Newton Cross and Stelly’s Cross roads. Chief: ‘We want everyone to know the Saanich people are here’ Katie DeROSA Times Colonist Members of the Tsartlip First Nation blocked a portion of West Saanich Road yesterday afternoon to draw attention to what they say are treaty [...]

This Day 14 Years Ago – October 20102024-10-08T00:06:19+00:00

This Time 39 Years Ago – July 1985


Times Colonist: Jul 18, 1985 The Tsawout Indian Band is prepared to go to the Supreme Court of Canada to prevent a 500-boat marina development in Saanichton Bay, says councilor Gus Underwood.    “We’re prepared to take whatever measures are necessary,” he said. “We’ll carry our fight to the highest court in the land to get justice.”    Central Saanich council con Monday issued a development permit for the marina.    The band claims the development on the 6.15-hectare site is contrary to the 1858 James Douglas Treaty, which guaranteed Saanich Indians hunting and fishing rights.    Underwood, who was out of town and [...]

This Time 39 Years Ago – July 19852024-07-04T23:11:51+00:00

This Time 39 Years Ago – July 1985


Times Colonist: Jul 16, 1985    Central Saanich council unanimously approved issuing a development permit for a 500-boat marina in Saanichton Bay Monday despite warnings from native Indians that development is contrary to the James Douglas Treaty.    Council’s action paves the way for a request for a building permit by Saanichton Marina Ltd.    The area has been zoned for marina use for 16 years.    “The Indian people of Saanich demand that you respect the terms of the treaty,” said Tsawout band manager Earl Claxton.     “In return for making lands available for non-Indian settlement, including the lands where this council is debating [...]

This Time 39 Years Ago – July 19852024-07-04T23:26:03+00:00

This Time 12 Years Ago – April 2012


Foraging First Nations class disrupted by police Students ordered to drop knives, sparking protest JUDITH LAVOIE Times Colonist An outdoor class on traditional First Nations practices came to an abrupt end this week after police arrived and told students to drop the knives they were using to forage for roots and plants.    High school students from Lau,Welnew Tribal School were shaken by the incident at Centennial Park in Central Saanich. A Facebook group set up to protest police actions immediately drew almost 2,000 supporters.    However, Central Saanich police defended their response, saying they needed to ensure park users were safe [...]

This Time 12 Years Ago – April 20122024-04-11T19:20:53+00:00

This Time 15 Years Ago – March 2009


Chief threatens suit over road Tseycum leader wants money and land for paved-over gravesites on scenic route in North Saanich. It's all about respect, he says. JUDITH LAVOIE Times Colonist The Tseycum First Nation is asking for money and land in exchange for allowing West Saanich Road traffic to continue running unimpeded through the North Saanich reserve.    West Saanich Road was built over Tseycum gravesites and the band hasn't been properly compensated, said Tseycum Chief Vern Jacks.    The band is talking about suing the provincial government, or even digging up the road to rebury ancestors, he said.    Jacks has a [...]

This Time 15 Years Ago – March 20092024-03-04T21:49:06+00:00

This Time 21 Years Ago – January 2003


Natives appeal case VICTORIA – Two native men are appealing a precedent-setting decision outlawing pit-lamping – the use of lights to hunt game at night.    Ivan Morris and Carl Olson, of the Saanich First Nation were caught using a flashlight to spot and shoot what turned out to be a decoy deer near Youbou in 1996.    The B.C. Supreme Court rejected an earlier appeal that the 1852 Douglas Treaty allows aboriginals to hunt at night with lights.  Their latest appeal will be heard in the B.C. Court of Appeal. RECENT POSTS How are we doing? Leave [...]

This Time 21 Years Ago – January 20032024-01-10T18:33:01+00:00

This Time 17 Years Ago – December 2006


Natives given OK to hunt with lights UNDER DOUGLAS TREATY: B.C. Wildfire Fed outraged; natives say it’s traditional hunting [IMAGE] Ivan Morris (left) and Carol Olsen, the hunters who were charged with hunting with lights at night, discuss their Supreme Court of Canada case with the media at a news conference in Vancouver yesterday afternoon.  SAM LEUNG – THE PROVINCE BY ETHAN BARON STAFF REPORTER    A Vancouver Island native band yesterday won the right to hunt with lights at night, in a 4-3 Supreme Court of Canada decision blasted by B.C.’s hunting lobby.    “I’m outraged,” said Paul Adams, executive-director of [...]

This Time 17 Years Ago – December 20062023-11-29T02:17:35+00:00

Hannah Morris shares her thoughts on Douglas Treaty rights


What are your thoughts on the Douglas Treaty? Let us know through this survey by clicking the button below: Survey Transcript ÍY SȻÁĆEL E TIÁ ÁNEȻ W̱EM,LEŚELWET TŦE NE SNÁ ĆSE AȽE SEN EṮ W̱SÁNEĆ My English name is Hannah is, and my W̱ILṈEW̱ SNÁ is W̱EM,LEŚELWET and I'm a direct descendant of the Douglas Treaty. What do you think to hunt & fish meant to our ancestors? I think to hunt and fish for my ancestors was a way of life. It was a way of being, and it was how we took care of our people, [...]

Hannah Morris shares her thoughts on Douglas Treaty rights2023-10-05T17:20:42+00:00

Joni Olsen shares her thoughts on Douglas Treaty rights


What are your thoughts on the Douglas Treaty? Let us know through this survey by clicking the button below: Survey Transcript ÍY, SȻÁĆEL Joni Olson TŦE NE SNÁ. Tsartlip First Nation is my home community. I am a W̱SÁNEĆ person. My name is Joni Olson. I work at the W̱SÁNEĆ Leadership Council, but hopefully we'll just be answering the questions today, as per who I am as a W̱SÁNEĆ woman. HÍSW̱ḴE What does to hunt and fish as formerly mean to our ancestors? To me it means to care for the environment in which the animals that we [...]

Joni Olsen shares her thoughts on Douglas Treaty rights2023-10-05T17:07:14+00:00

Joe Seward shares his thoughts on Douglas Treaty rights


What are your thoughts on the Douglas Treaty? Let us know through this survey by clicking the button below: Survey Transcript ÍY, SȻÁĆEL SIÁM ĆSE ÁȽE S[SNÁ] TŦE NE SNÁ EN EṮ W̱JOȽEȽP] Good day, my name is Joe Seward. I'm Tsartlip council, my traditional name is ŦḴOTEĆTEN and I come from here in the Tsartlip village. Do you think that the Douglas Treaty should have economic rights in a modern context?  I definitely think there should be some sort of benefit or compensation to our people for the loss of land use. Our identity as W̱SÁNEĆ people [...]

Joe Seward shares his thoughts on Douglas Treaty rights2023-09-28T22:43:54+00:00
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