Update on MOTI Proposed Barrier and Road Widening Project at SELE₭TEȽ
ÍY, SȻÁĆEL SIÁM. The WLC Board met in March to get debriefed on what we heard at the two W̱SÁNEĆ community engagement forums in October 2023 and January 2024, and then met with the Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure on June 19 about timelines for engagement on the Goldstream Park Median Barrier and Malahat Highway Widening Project.

What We Heard: Goldstream Project Engagement
In January 2024 WLC held the second of two W̱SÁNEĆ community engagement forums. Input received was consistent with what we heard in October, and included:
- Goldstream Reserve (IR 13) was surveyed incorrectly
- Development impacts harm streams and foreshore
- Unregulated speeding and distracted driving has been observed by community members protesting the potential development
- Restoration of native species is needed, and there are concerns about the introduction of invasive species
- Medians create barriers for wildlife
- Log access – who would receive? (response was most would be left on site)
- Think critically – is the project even needed?
- The Victoria CRD water supply dams impact stream flow and the salmon runs – mitigation?
- W̱SÁNEĆ have DouglasTreaty rights and responsibilities to protect fish and their habitat
- Salmon ecology would be disrupted
- Stop spills from happening, address harassment from fishery officers
- Our way of life matters and ceremonies matter
- This project doesn’t benefit us – more W̱ENITEM will disrupt our fishing
- Need clarification on timelines, what acronyms stand for
- Information and newsletters need to be provided in hardcopy so everyone can access
- Where does federal jurisdiction factor in given our reserve land?
- Seems stream-keeper training not being applied
- Is our consent required? We need to define what consent means to us…
- Salmon are in our DNA, who are we to negotiate that away?
- Finlayson Arm Road still needs to be dealt with
- There are trust issues – with federal and provincial governments
- Wonder if province are pitting us against each other? We need to stand together
- Need to speak with ADMs and fisheries
- Look at other options to the present highway location
- Reject the proposal – tell them to get off our land!
- Tree retention and access – not OK to cut +700 trees
- Weather / climate change impacting fish, Goldstream is the last fish stream we have
- What other projects are MOTI planning for Goldstream?
- Need to involve us in projects earlier, at planning stage
- Population growth considered? Global issues tie-ins understood?
- What are the risks to the salmon and stream if the project doesn’t go forward?
- These lands and waters have a name – SELE₭TEȽ – call it by its name, protect it
Recordings of October 2023 and January 2024 engagement Forums are available to W̱SÁNEĆ people, along with a digital version of the survey, on a password protected W̱SÁNEĆ members page on the WLC website. See https://wsanec.com/members-only/
In January WLC also retained LGL Limited ecological research company to provide a neutral third party review of some of the technical reports that MOTI contracted and to provide opinions on:
- MOTI’s Draft provisions to protect the environment including recommendations in the project Environmental Assessment report and other reports that would be reflected in a tender document for a Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP) for a proposed Highway 1 Goldstream Park Median Barrier and Highway Widening Project
- Provisions to protect water quality and fish habitat in the Goldstream River from contamination by assessing adequacy of groundwater and soil contamination technical reports that include a soil management plan
- Plans for storm drain highway runoff infrastructure including plans to install an underground container that can separate water from oil and grit in the riparian area adjacent to the river.
LGL identified 105 questions, considerations, information gaps and recommendations in a detailed technical review table pertaining to the proposed MOTI Project; some of the recommendations could take one or more years of surveying and data collection to complete.

In February, we received a letter from MOTI summarizing consultation to date, and proposing to move forward with the project tender in May 2024, and requesting WLC input by the end of April. In April WLC responded with an alternative timeline that would extend the deadline for response to this fall.
On June 19th the WLC Board met with MOTI and advised we had received the LGL report, and that LGL’s report contains 105 technical review comments and recommendations for changes or improvements in relation to water quality, storm drainage, the proposed holding tank, and flags the need for pre-project surveys for fish and fish habitat and wildlife habitat. The Board shared that to date at community engagement sessions and via survey responses they had heard many concerns and had not heard support for the project. We shared the draft LGL report with MOTI and received direction from the WLC Board to schedule a technical meeting with MOTI to discuss this fall. We will also schedule meetings with BC Parks and DFO about their project assessments and permitting, that occurred without consultation and accommodation of W̱SÁNEĆ concerns.
WLC plan to schedule presentations to Chiefs and Councils this September to discuss findings from community engagement sessions and technical reports, and legal research projects.
At the MOTI meeting with Minister Fleming and his Associate and Regional Deputy Ministers, Malahat staff joined us and confirmed they wish to collaborate on a consensus response on the project. We met internally with the W̱SÁNEĆ Leadership to debrief in advance of meeting with the Minister. We will revisit timelines for a response following discussion with LGL and with MOTI of the LGL report comments and recommendations. MOTI’s Minister flagged that there is a provincial election this fall, and suggested we extend engagement to the end of 2024.
Meanwhile leadership plan to schedule a cultural ceremony at Goldstream this fall to address accidents that have occurred there, and to give thanks for the fish and all that is held dear at SELE₭TEȽ.
If you have questions or concerns contact me by e-mail at laurie.whitehead@wsanec.com to discuss. HÍSW̱ḴE SIÁM