Monthly Archives: September 2019

WLC Celebrates Another Language & Heritage Win on Mayne Island


The WLC is pleased to celebrate further progress in reclaiming traditional Language, Arts and Culture across W̱SÁNEĆ territory, this time on Mayne Island.  SENĆOŦEN language expert, J,SIṈTEN (Dr. John Elliott), has worked with The Mayne Island Museum and The Mayne Island Agricultural Society for months to create interpretive outdoor signage. The signs feature W̱SÁNEĆ art and are written in both SENĆOŦEN and English. Installations describe the area and its cultural significance, historic context, SENĆOŦEN name and uses of various sites by W̱SÁNEĆ people.  “This area is called Á,LELEṈ, meaning village place in SENĆOŦEN, the original language of the people here. [...]

WLC Celebrates Another Language & Heritage Win on Mayne Island2019-10-01T22:38:41+00:00

WLC Co Hosts Historic Herring Advocacy Group


The W̱SÁNEĆ Leadership council, representing Tsartlip, Tseycum, and Tsawout Nations, is pleased to co-host a historic herring advocacy event tentatively titled HELIT TŦE SȽOṈ,ET (Let the Herring Live), this November.  The history of W̱SÁNEĆ and herring: Herring have been under increased pressure from commercial fishing interests since the 1960’s when their numbers reached a critical low. Since then, the Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) and Coastal First Nations, including the W̱SÁNEĆ, have been unable to agree on policies that prioritize the health of the herring population over commercial fishing interests.  Herring, once one of the most abundant fish [...]

WLC Co Hosts Historic Herring Advocacy Group2019-09-26T17:45:22+00:00

WLC Welcomes New Staff


New WLC Marine Use Planner The W̱SÁNEĆ Leadership Council is excited to announce Shauna Johnson as our new Marine Use Planner starting on October 7, 2019. Shauna is dedicated to W̱SÁNEĆ self-determination, in-depth community engagement, and she brings a wealth of experience to the table. Check out her bio below! Shauna Johnson is Coast Salish from the Tsawout First Nation on her mother’s side and Tsimshian from Laxkwala’ams on her father’s side. She has a Master of Science degree in Indigenous Community Planning (ICP) and has specialized expertise in providing planning support for indigenous communities to revitalize and [...]

WLC Welcomes New Staff2019-10-16T21:44:05+00:00

WLC Is On Social Media ! Join Us


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WLC Is On Social Media ! Join Us2019-10-01T22:39:26+00:00
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